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Manchester Based Audio Studio. Sound Design | Voice Over/ADR | Foley | 5.1 Mixing | Pro Tools | Education | Sound Effects Libraries
Manchester Based Audio Studio. Sound Design | Voice Over/ADR | Foley | 5.1 Mixing | Pro Tools | Education | Sound Effects Libraries

ARTICLE: How to Deliver Audio & Video Assets to Your Sound Designer Part 2 (DaVinci Resolve!)

Welcome to Part 2 of "How to Deliver Audio and Video Assets to Your Sound Designer". This short guide provides the best settings for exporting an AAF file from DaVinci Resolve for Pro Tools.

Check out Part 1 of "How to Deliver Audio and Video Assets to Your Sound Designer" here:


Video Assets.

Let's take a quick review of the steps to get your video assets ready.

Navigate to your software’s video export window, and select the following settings:

  • Video Format: MOV or .MP4

  • Video Codec: H.264

  • Video Frame Rate: Matching that of your video master

  • Resolution: Up to 1920 x 1080

  • Key-frames each 12 frames, P and B frames: Disabled

  • Automatic Key-frames: Disabled

  • Audio: Linear PCM / WAV in Stereo L/R

Audio Assets.

Let's run over the key steps of getting your audio content ready - quickly and easily.

Ensure your sound team has easy access to all audio takes recorded on set. Upload the files to a file-sharing service, like Google Drive, and give them the ability to stream selected files or download them at their convenience.

Ensure the utmost efficiency in your workflow and prevent delays by completing the final locked edit of your project (this can be done before incorporating any color grading or visual effects).

Place all current dialogue tracks, ADR, voice-over, sound effects, and music at their desired timecode position in your editing session.

Placing a 1kHz sine wave of a single frame duration two seconds before the video region starts can ensure that the final mix from audio post-production is perfectly synchronised with your edit’s timecode. This saves you time and effort in achieving proper sync alignment. The video region should start at timecode 01 00 00 00, unless your distribution specifications say otherwise.

Delivering With DaVinci Resolve:

Ensure that your audio clips are displayed with individual microphones on separate tracks.

Navigate to the delivery window, and select the following settings:

Render Settings - Pro Tools

Video Tab

  • Export Video: Unchecked

Audio Tab

  • Format: Wave

  • Codec: Linear PCM

  • Add: 250 Frame Handles

  • Channels: Same As Source

  • Bit Depth: 24

  • Render One Track Per Channel: Checke

  • Render As Discrete Audio Tracks: Unchecked

We hope you enjoyed reading this guide and have gained some useful knowledge to take forward into your next project!


If you enjoyed this post please check out our ultimate guide to audio post-production:

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