We are pleased to share with you this guest blog article that we have written for the Pro Sound Effects blog about how to Communicate Post-Production Sound With Directors.

"The post-production sound process can be confusing for newer directors, and often represents a gap in their knowledge when compared to other areas of production such as camera or lighting. For audio-post professionals, it is our job to guide them through the process and ensure a smooth and collaborative experience through solid communication, empathy, and patience."
Check out the full-length article via the link below: https://blog.prosoundeffects.com/how-to-communicate-post-production-sound-with-directors
If you enjoyed this article please check out our ultimate guide to audio post-production: https://www.344audio.com/post/the-ultimate-guide-to-audio-post-production-sound-design
344 Audio is an Audio Post Production studio in Manchester. Our work: 344audio.com/work Our studio: 344audio.com/studio Our store: 344audio.com/store Follow our socials! facebook.com/344audio twitter.com/344audio instagram.com/344audio