With winter slowly giving way to spring, the team have all been eager to get back out in to the field and begin recording new sound effects for use in film projects, and for commercial release as sound effects libraries. In todays article we are pleased to share some updates from these recent field recording sessions with you.

Over the past few weeks we have been completing regular field recording sessions, braving all weathers and all times of day in order to capture this best material possible. During these recording sessions, we have been making use of the extensive canal and waterway system in our local area, which offers the industrious and patient field recordist a vast array of wildlife, weather and atmos sounds to capture.
The recordings we have captured will form the basis of the forthcoming sound effects libraries that we have in store. These libraries will cover specific sound subjects such as a large group of Geese, and the canal itself. We are also developing a more general sound effects library covering many of the sounds you would expect to find in a small British town.
Some of the locations that we recorded included Cheshire, Stockport, Dukinfield, Woodley, as well as other locations across Greater Manchester.

Above we have a satellite image of the areas covered during the field recording sessions, clearly showing the mix between of woodland, waterside and suburban locales.
Our local area offers a wide selection of waterside and canal recording locations.
Field recording is an activity that we all enjoy immensely. As well as the mental and physical benefits that it brings you, it also gives you a deeper appreciation of your local environment and forces you to be fully present in your surroundings. After the monotony of lockdown, we all appreciated the opportunity to get outdoors and engage our ears. With the weather becoming gradually warmer and the days longer over the coming months, we will definitely going for many more field recording trips!
Some of the woodland and waterside locations that we have been recording.

We have also made use of the numerous tunnels and underpasses that line the canal system. Thanks for checking out this article!
If you enjoyed this post please check out our ultimate guide to audio post-production: https://www.344audio.com/post/the-ultimate-guide-to-audio-post-production-sound-design
344 Audio is an Audio Post Production studio in Manchester.
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