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Manchester Based Audio Studio. Sound Design | Voice Over/ADR | Foley | 5.1 Mixing | Pro Tools | Education | Sound Effects Libraries
Manchester Based Audio Studio. Sound Design | Voice Over/ADR | Foley | 5.1 Mixing | Pro Tools | Education | Sound Effects Libraries
Antique Typewriter

 Take your latest projects back on a journey through Victorian history with our Antique Typewriter, meticulously captured by our team of Audio Craftsmen at 96khz 24bit. Both models recorded are 1929 Royal Portable Typewriter Model P's. All sounds within this pack exhibit each of the wanted characteristics of antique typewriters, from the respooling of the colour ribbon to its more essential operational writing and key-pressing tones.

Antique Typewriter

  • 337 MB, 116 Files.

    Stereo WAV, 24Bit 96Hz.

    Extensive UCS compliant Metadata Included.

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